Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Calling All Timberwolves:

H. Grady Spruce High School located in the Pleasant Grove area of Dallas, TX is fighting for its survival. We are trying to save it and need as much help as possible. We have set up this blog so people can share their views and experiences as students, educators, or friends, and keep you updated on our fight to save our school.

As it stands DISD has chosen an option that will only allow incoming freshman and seniors to stay at Spruce while sending sophomores and juniors to other schools across town. This plan is not realistic on many different accounts which is why we are trying so desperately to keep Spruce open to all its students.

If you do not know what is going on at Spruce please visit us and open your eyes to the truth that DISD has forgotten about us and never gave us the chance to succeed.

1 comment:

Arrika J said...

It's amazing how people are so quick to point out all of the bad, but when it comes to the good they hesitate. I'm a very fine product of The H.Grady Spruce High School. I take pride in my school. Without Spruce around how are the alumni suppose to give back to there community,hold yard sales,participate at home and away games,etc. Spruce plays a big part in the Pleasant Grove Community and in people everyday life.

If the board members were proactive, then we wouldn't have this disaster as a reaction. I just don't understand how downtown is able to see everything that each school produce and not throw up a RED flag when something is happening that shouldn't. The first year you all saw a problem why didn't the reaction that the school is getting now, why weren't you all more attentive. You let all of these years past just so you all could write Spruce off. DISD is a disgrace and should be ashamed of themselves! Is there any way we can leave Spruce in the Grove, but throw in the towel on our board members/trustees? When it's time to vote for trustees, please make it a point not to vote for the board members that think that a quick close of a school will cure everything.

You all are more concerned about the budget rather than trying to help these children that need help. Forget a budget try helping save these childrens lives and futures. Give these teachers and students the resources that they need in order to succeed. The money that you'll use toward busing all of these students across town, you could very well to that into Spruce.

If this is a repeat in a few years are you going to close another school down as well? If so, in a few years all of DISD will be closed! Use your head trustees and find another solution to this problem.